Failed Engineer: Operation, Relimitations and Transformation toolbar

Friday 24 January 2020

Operation, Relimitations and Transformation toolbar

Operation toolbar

The operation toolbar comprises of tools that can help extract elements from 3D geometry for the purpose of sketch creation or help modify the sketch by helping elements rotation, re-limitation or modification.
Operation toolbar
The tools and toolbars present in the operation toolbar are corner, chamfer, relimitations toolbar, transformation toolbar and 3D geometry toolbar.

Corner - The tool can be used to apply corner to two edges or by selecting a point where they intersect. You get multiple options to choose from the Sketch tools toolbar so as to define what to do with the elements that are being modified. You can choose to turn them to construction elements, trim them etc. The toolbar can also be used to enter the radius value that you wish to apply.
Chamfer options present in sketch tools toolbar
Chamfer - The option can be used to apply chamfer to two edges or a point where these edges intersect. Options similar to above are available for the chamfer tool too. In addition, you have the option of specifying either the chamfer length with angle value of the chamfer from horizontal. You can also specify two lengths of the lines on which the chamfer will be made or length of first element from the point with angle value.

Relimitations toolbar

The toolbar has options that can be used for erasing or extending lines. It also has tools that can be used for completing circles, ellipse etc. or create their complement.
Relimitations toolbar
Trim - The trim tool can be used for trimming as well as extending the elements with respect to each other. There are two options available for this in the sketch tools toolbar - Trim all elements or trim first element. Trim all elements can apply modification of extension and trimming to both elements while trim first element would apply it to only the first element you select, the second element will not be modified.

Break - Break can be used to split element into two parts. You can either split the element with a click first for selection and other for where you wish to break the element. Alternatively, you can split the element with the help of another element. When you use another element, the point at which the element intersects the other, is used as breaking point.

Quick trim - The quick trim option is most commonly used option for erasing the elements. Not only does it erase the selected element, it can also break depending upon the option you select from sketch tools toolbar.
Quick trim options in Sketch tools toolbar
There are three options available in the sketch tools toolbar for quick trim, Break and rubber in, Break and rubber out and Break and keep.

Close arc - Close arc can be used to close the arc to form a circle.

Complement - To create an inverse of an arc i.e. its complement, this tool can be used to create that.

Transformation toolbar

The existing elements in sketcher can also be transformed in respect to their scale, location, rotation etc. For this the different tools in the transformation toolbar.
Transformations toolbar
Mirror - This can be used to create a similar element about a line element, vertical axis, horizontal axis. The copy created will maintain the same distance as the existing original element due to automatic symmetry constraint that is applied.

Symmetry - If you use the symmetry option, a copy will be created about the line that you select. However, the  original element will be deleted. And since the original element will be deleted, there would be no constraints applied to the original element.

Translate - Translate option can be used if you wish to make a copy or some elements at some distance or want to simply move elements from original location to some distance in some direction. You also get an option to keep the internal and external constraints.
Translate options
Rotate - Rotate option is generally used to create multiple copies of an element about a centre point. The multiple copies can be made while preserving the constraints such as distance, radius etc.
8 holes 10mm diameter, created with rotate option
A noteworthy case here is, suppose if you wish to create all circles that are present around the centre as shown in the diagram. For this you would need to create one circle first. All other circles along with constraints can be duplicated with the help of rotate tool. The number of duplicate entities that you would mention are 7, since one is already present, while angle would be 360/8 i.e. total angle divided by total number of elements. This is important because without correct angle evenly spaced circles will not be created.

Scale - The tool can be used to create scaled elements about a point of reference. The point of reference is the point about which the elements will be scaled. It will be the point that would superimpose or would be same in the scaled and original object. It is essentially the point that you do not wish to move in the scaled object. If you simply wish to scale the original object without a copy, you can deselect the duplicate mode. To ensure that original constraints are applied to the duplicate object, you can choose to select the option of constraint conversion.

Offset - The offset tool can be used to create multiple copies of elements present in a sketch. The sketch tools toolbar present with the option of creating copies on both sides or only on one side. Besides mentioning the offset distance, you can mention the number of copies that are created.

Sketch tools options for offset
The elements that you select may be in touch with other elements, so you also have provision to propagate your selection based on point continuity and tangent continuity.